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Kidding Schedule 2020

1. Rosasharn MM Rusty Nail *B X The Lofty Cedars FBI Quinn: Due 1/10/2020 Kidded 1/11/2020
1 doeling/2 bucklings
2. Rosasharn MM Rusty Nail *B X Udder High Hope Silly Putty: Due 1/13/2020 Kidded 1/18/2020
3 doelings/1 buckling
3. Rosasharn MM Rusty Nail *B X Maple Rock Farm Clover's Cally: Due 1/21/2020 Kidded 1/20/2020 
3 doelings
4. Rosasharn MM Rusty Nail *B X Sugar Moon O Milano: Due 3/8/2020 Kidded 3/11/2020
3 doelings/1 buckling (1 doeling/1 buckling DOA)
5. Denbow Acres Rambo *B X Ole'Humble Acres H Adorabella 1*M: Due 3/13/2020 Kidded 3/17/2020
3 bucklings (1 buckling DOA)
6. TBD X Dragonfly PS Grace 2*M: Kidded 5/11/2020
1 buckling
7. Rosasharn YDD Forget-Me-Not *B X Denbow Acres American Doll 3*M: Due 4/21/2020 Kidded 4/22/2020
2 doelings/1 buckling
8. Denbow Acres Negotiatior *B X Old School Creamery Gretel: Due 5/25/2020 Kidded 5/22/2020
2 bucklings/1 doeling
9. Denbow Acres Negotiator *B Fairlea Miakoda: Due 6/2/2020 Kidded 5/31/2020
2 bucklings

All does will be participating in the DHIR program for 2020. Info will be updated as does earn their milk stars. 

Reservation and Sales Policy


+ Non Refundable deposit is required to reserve, $100 for does and bucks, $50 for wethers. (Deposit will only be refunded if not enough kids are born to fulfill reservations.)

+ Reservations will be fulfilled in the order they were received.  

+ No goat will be sold to a single goat home. Goats need companionship of their own kind. 

+ Discounts considered for active 4H and FFA members as well as ADGA members who are active in the DHIR program. 

+ All kids will be sold ADGA registered (unless otherwise stated). 

+ All kids will be bottle fed from birth (unless otherwise stated). This makes for a very social family friendly pet or easy to train show partner. 

+ Kids will be available to go home at 8 weeks of age in most cases. At this time kids will be disbudded, dewormed, given CDT #1 (CDT #2 due at 11-12 weeks), and wethers will usually be wethered before leaving. (Health record will accompany your new goat)

+ Please make plans to pick up your new goat in a timely manner. Boarding charges will apply to holds greater then 30 days after weaning.

+ Boarding charges are $2 per day per goat. 

+ I have the right to retain any kid born on my farm. 

+ If you have any questions or concerns please contact me. 

© 2010 Rock Yard Farm. All rights reserved.

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